2nd baby must haves - family of three looking fondly at pregnant mom’s stomach

Second-Time Parenting 101: 2nd Baby Must-Haves and Best Practices

There’s nothing quite as rewarding as the experience of having a second baby on the way. It’s an amazing time for parents and one that they will always remember fondly. If you’re one of these parents, congratulations! You must feel delighted but also anxious about what’s to come. That makes perfect sense! After all, you’ve had a taste of parenting life with your first child, and you know it wasn’t easy. But, in the end, you were able to replace the difficulties with happy…

baby boy with a non-toxic silicone sippy cup and eating rice cracker at home

Finding the Best Non-Toxic Sippy Cup: A Toddler’s Guide

Few things are more intimately linked with toddlerhood than sippy cups. Whether covered in stickers or hand-painted by a loving grandparent, these training cups are a staple in households with young children. Drinking from a sippy cup is one of the first steps in helping your little one transition from a baby bottle to a regular cup. But what else should you know about sippy cups before you buy one? The answer is simple: safety. This article will outline the reliable ways to find…

baby-proofing cabinets lock

Baby Proofing Cabinets and Other Tips to Make Your Home A Safe Space for Kids

Parents are always fussing about keeping their kids safe. Children are naturally playful and curious and have little control over their movements. It doesn’t matter whether your kids are crawling, running, or just walking. There’s a high chance they will knock over things, climb over furniture, and open restricted drawers and cabinets.  Time to baby-proof your home before they learn to crawl and move around the house. In this blog post, we’ll give you some baby-proofing tips. Take Precautions With Electric Outlets When your…

a mom feeding her infant in a high chair

When to Start Buying Baby Stuff: A Checklist for Every Trimester

Are you a first-time parent? As exciting as it is to be starting a family, it can also be overwhelming to figure out what you need for your little one. One of the early tasks on your list is likely to be buying baby stuff. There’s a lot of baby gear to buy, from car seats to cribs to bottles and pacifiers. So, when is the ideal time to start shopping for baby items? And what are considered necessities? Check out this handy checklist…

big kid bed with foam bed bumpers

Ease Your Child’s Bedtime Anxiety with Baby Bed Rails

Getting your child to end the day can be a nightly battle. Kids not only resist going to bed but may struggle to stay asleep once they drift off. This uneasiness can manifest in various ways—from simple restlessness to full-blown night terrors. Although it’s normal for toddlers to experience this during their bedtime, parents can ease their child’s fears in plenty of ways. Find out all the answers you need in this article. 5 Possible Reasons Toddlers Experience Bedtime Anxiety It’s bedtime, and your…

These 7 Toxic Chemicals Make Your Silicone Baby Bibs and Other Products Unsafe For Your Baby

There are many items on the market for new parents. All manufacturers try their best to create appealing products to catch your attention and get you to buy. However, not everything visually pleasing is baby-friendly. It isn’t easy to know which ones are safe and which are not.  As a responsible parent, it is best to go beyond the looks and the advertisements and check the labels. Get to know better the products you are buying, from silicone bibs, lotions and insect repellants, detergents,…

4 Fashionable Gifts Parents Will Appreciate: Shoes, Baby Girl Socks, and More!

Gift-giving is one of the most exciting parts of having a baby in the family or your circle of friends. You can imagine the beam in the baby’s eyes upon receiving a box covered with colorful wrapping. And admit it or not, it is more exciting to look for gifts for baby girls. It always seems like there is a lot to choose from!  When the gifts you give are useful and can assist both the parents and the baby in their daily activities,…

A Helpful Guide On How To Encourage Your Baby To Walk Independently

Encouraging your baby to take their first steps is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a parent. It is not only beneficial for their physical development, but it can also help with their cognitive abilities and social interactions. Moreover, this is also one of the milestones that most parents anxiously await. There are plenty of ways to encourage your baby to walk. One simple way is to have lots of things around the house that your baby can explore, such…

How To Clean A Baby’s Tongue In 5-Minutes + Tips for Your Baby’s Oral Hygiene

Many parents shy away from cleaning their babies’ tongues because they are afraid it will hurt or be difficult. But cleaning a baby’s tongue is important in addressing their oral problems.  While you still need to brush your baby’s teeth and ensure they eat healthy foods, tongue cleaning is an important first step in achieving good oral hygiene. Follow the tips below to ensure that everything is done with care and caution. Common Mouth Problems in Babies Oral Thrush If you see white wounds…

Sliding Door Locks: Keep Your Little One Out of Trouble At Home

Most parents can attest to the fact that their kids get bored easily. In fact, boredom is likely the culprit behind many of your little one’s misbehaviors and curious habits. Fortunately for all of us as parents, there are some simple things we can do to prevent our children from getting into trouble and keep our momma heart at peace. Continue reading below on how you can keep your little troublemakers out of trouble at all times. Possible Accidents Without Childproofing Childproofing your home…

Parenting Hack: The Best Baby Products You Should Get for Your Kids

One of the enjoyable things to do for expecting parents is to go shopping for baby products. There are endless options for baby gadgets in the marketplace, from cribs, mattresses, feeding bottles, and clothing to high chairs. Understandably, parents only want the best and splurge for their kids. However, the majority of the time, the parent’s purchases are left half-used. Therefore, you are at the ideal place if you are on a limited budget or are just being realistic. You’ll learn about some of…

Baby Essentials Made Easier: Must-Haves for Your Baby’s First 3 Months

Parenting during the first three months is a real challenge. While you recover from the tiresome birth process, you now also have to care for another living, breathing being: your baby. And for first-time parents—particularly mothers—this can be overwhelming.  Luckily, tools exist to help you care for your child. First, consider writing your essentials down in a baby registry. Then, share the registry with your friends and family. Here’s what you need to consider while shopping for your baby’s essentials for the first three…