baby girl bibs

Level Up Your Dressing Game With Baby Girl Bibs And Stylish Outdoor Outfits

Anyone with a little girl knows that they grow up so fast. It seems like only yesterday when they were born, and now they’re crawling and walking. Before you know it, they’ll be wanting to go out by themselves to explore the big world.  As your little girl starts venturing out, it’s important to keep her clothes warm and stylish. Don’t forget to incorporate the right baby girl bibs! This will keep her clean and dry during her adventures, so she’ll always look great!…

teething toys

Baby Babbles: The Early Stages of Learning to Speak and Teething Toys for Your Little One’s Oral Health

A parent’s happiness is unmatched when their little one starts making cute little sounds. When they start speaking words and start calling you mama and papa, even incomprehensible words will get you excited. As they grow older, they’ll start to put words together and effectively convey what they want to say.  But before you get worried that your child is not yet speaking, it’s important to note that children learn to talk at different speeds. Furthermore, your child’s teething stage can affect their speech…

sliding door locks

7 Things to Consider Before Getting Sliding Door Locks For Child Safety

If you have kids, you know they can be curious little creatures always exploring their surroundings and seeking new adventures. As a parent, it’s important to do what you can to keep your child safe, even when they’re most likely to be climbing around the house. One way to help make sure your child is safe is by installing sliding door locks on your wooden or sliding glass doors. But there are a few things to think of before buying one. In this article,…

Baby wondering about baby spoons

The Battle of Tableware: Wooden vs. Silicone Baby Spoons

Has your baby started eating table food recently? Pat yourself on the back for a job well done in unlocking this achievement. However, your little one needs bowls, cups, forks, and spoons, just like any person. Do they need a special spoon? But which type should you choose: wooden or silicone baby spoons? Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it can be tough to decide which is best for your little one. In this blog post, we’ll compare wooden and silicone spoons…

baby hammock for crib - baby sleeping on a white woven hammock

Using a Baby Hammock for Crib: Serious Appeal or Serious Injuries?

What do you think of swaying your little one to sleep with a baby hammock for a crib? It seems nice, looks comfortable, and saves you from getting tired arms. But think again. There have been endless debates about using hammocks for babies. Some people swear by it, saying it makes parenting life easier. Others say there’s no evidence to support such claims and that using hammocks can be dangerous. Now, as part of the new parent club, you wonder which side you should…

Baby Girl High Chair on the Dining Table

Baby Girl High Chair: Do’s and Don’ts

All of the first things your little girl does is always going to be a special milestone—crawling, walking, and weaning, to name a few. Introducing your baby to solids is a fun milestone to reach for both of you. Anything to do with your little one has gears and accessories that come with it. So when you do begin to eat with your baby, you need the best baby girl high chair on the market. When do you buy a baby high chair for…

A parent teaching her child how to use the toilet

No More Mess: The Potty Training Seat Guide

You’ve just become a parent. You’re exhausted, sleep-deprived, and confused about what you’re doing. But you’re in luck because your baby is about to embark on the wonderful potty training journey. Even if you’ve potty trained other children before, every child is unique and will learn at their own pace. Nevertheless, potty training is a great opportunity for parents and toddlers to work together on an important skill, and we’re here to tell you that it can be fun! This article offers advice about…

Potty Seat With Ladder

The Potty Seat With Ladder: A Great Tool for Potty Training

After observing that your toddler is ready for the big toilet, you’ve been potty training them for weeks. Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult. You’ve tried all the tricks in the book, but there’s one thing that you haven’t tried yet: a potty seat with a ladder. Potty training is an exciting (and sometimes daunting) chapter for parents and their kids. While it requires a lot of patience and vigilance at first, the payoff is worth it. The potty seat with a ladder is one such…

A little Boy Getting Cleaning Agents from the Sink Cabinet

Locks for Cabinets: Lock Away Dangers Lurking in the Shadows

Your child’s busy little hands want to touch everything they see. From a stale potato chip on the floor to the shiny porcelain in your cabinets, your baby is ready to search high and low as if they’re on a treasure hunt. No matter how well-hidden your precious items are, your tiny adventurer will surely find them. But are the knobs and latches on your drawers and cabinets enough to stop your child’s hunt? In this article, we will learn how to stop your…

A little girl wearing her shoes by the sliding glass door

Prep and Peel Your Sliding Glass Door Safety Lock for Long-Lasting Use

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of opening your sliding glass doors and stepping out into your backyard. The sense of freedom and openness is incomparable, and it’s one of the reasons why sliding glass doors have become such a popular feature in homes. But before you leave your door open, you might want to consider your kids. Sliding glass doors can be a huge convenience, but these doors are notoriously difficult to child-proof, as they can be easily opened by even the smallest…

A boy reading a book on a toddler seat

Versatile Convertible High Chair for Your Baby’s Growing Years

Parents love to spoil their babies with absolutely adorable accessories that are sometimes too expensive to buy. Traditional high chairs, for one, are necessary for your little one; however, it’s ridiculous how companies can jack up the price for a chair. Luckily for you, there are high chairs that can transform into different seats and tables suitable for infants to toddlers. So you don’t have to keep buying more chairs for your child’s different growing stages. This article will talk about the best convertible…

Newborn holding his parent’s finger while lying on the bed

Flat Head Syndrome Solution: Ashtonbee’s Baby Pillow Bed for A Comfy Sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended parents keep baby cribs as empty as possible. Babies are completely safe and comfortable without a pillow. But let’s not rule out that your baby is still developing its head and neck muscles, and some babies need a baby bed pillow newborn for that extra support. Let’s dive right into the nitty-gritty of baby pillows.     Lingering Questions about Baby Pillows Baby pillows are a product that has come under scrutiny in recent years. Some people…