newborn baby sleeping pillow

The Benefits of Using a Newborn Baby Sleeping Pillow

Admit it! People give you the side eye when you admit you’re a fan of baby pillows. Getting all sorts of opinions from fellow parents and experts is the norm when it comes to newborn head support, and for good reason! Pillows aren’t encouraged because of the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). These head cushions may accidentally cover the baby’s face as they sleep and cause SIDS. Nevertheless, many parents are still champions of their use because of comfort and their benefits…

6 Questions About Using an Infant Head-Shaping Pillow for Traveling

The worst of the pandemic is over, and we know you’ve been itching to take your little one on a trip to see your loved ones. But how can you keep your baby sleeping soundly during long flights or road trips? By getting an infant head-shaping pillow, of course!  Baby pillows have been questionable baby gear for neck and head support. But we’re here to answer all your concerns about this product so your baby can nap happily. Let’s get started!  1. When Can…

Baby Tongue Cleaner: A Baby’s Stepping Stone to Oral Health

Many parents consider oral health the least of their priorities regarding their babies. This is because there’s nothing much to work with. In the early period of your child’s growth, they don’t have teeth. And, when it grows, these baby teeth will be traded for a coin from the tooth fairy anyway. So parents neglect teeth until permanent ones grow out. Soon after, they’ll be jotting down dental appointment schedules and consoling an anxious child in the dentist’s chair. But you can start taking…

kids play mat

This Kids Play Mat is Your Partner for Your Child’s Development Through Play

Babies and toddlers have one job to do, and that is to play. In their formative years, movement and brain activity are key. This molds them into strong and healthy kids, both physically and mentally. As parents, we must help our kids do their work. But, more importantly, it’s our duty to make them feel like they are playing. So let Ashtonbee equip you with the knowledge to encourage your kids to engage in active play. In addition, we’ll give you recommendations with the…

The Best Sippy Cup and Nutritious Drinks Toddlers Will Enjoy

It is a precious milestone when your kids can finally start their solid food journey. As parents, you can’t be more excited for them, but transitioning from breast milk to solids can be challenging. First, you have to create meals that give your kids proper nutrition, but you also have to make sure that they actually enjoy eating them. In addition, kids are picky eaters, and there will be a long list of food ingredients they’ll avoid.  Introducing new flavors may require some trial…

Furniture tip straps

Furniture Tip Straps and Safety Essentials to Start Babyproofing Your Home

One of the preparations parents must do when their kids start to crawl and reach for things is babyproofing. Anything around the house can be a potential danger to your kids, from the smallest toys to big appliances. So until they outgrow the furniture and appliances, installing babyproof gadgets will help keep them safe.  If you’re set on babyproofing every space of your home, then there are a few essentials you should pick up. Babyproofing is a delicate task. As a parent, you must…

travel high chair

Choosing the Best Travel High Chair and Safety Tips for On-the-Go Parents

Not all parents have the luxury of staying at home and caring for their child or getting a nanny, so they go to work and resume daily life. A lot of parents bring their kids wherever they go. May it be for work or leisure, parents know that bringing their little ones anywhere can be challenging.  Safety and comfort are the first things to prioritize when traveling with a child. Of course, it goes to say that regular seats are not suitable for little…

baby pillow

Baby Pillow Facts Worth Checking Before Purchasing One

When you’re in the market for a new baby pillow, you must do your research first. With proper research, you’ll know how to pick only the best for your child, no matter how many choices there are. Don’t just randomly pick a baby pillow to purchase—especially because your little one’s wellness is at stake.  This blog post will discuss the different types of baby pillows, their benefits, and how to choose the best one for your child. We’ve also included tips on how to…

guide to using baby fruit feeder pacifier

Starting With Solids: A Guide to Using Baby Fruit Feeder Pacifiers

Starting solids is an exciting time for you and your baby. It is one of the milestones in their development and your parenting. There are so many choices to make regarding which foods to give and how to feed them, but the one thing that can make the process a little easier is a baby fruit feeder pacifier.  In this post, we’ll share tips on using a baby fruit feeder pacifier, the benefits of using one, and the characteristics of the best one. So,…

wooden high chair

This Wooden High Chair Fits Perfectly in Your Scandinavian-Inspired Home

As a parent, you want to provide everything for your baby to be safe and comfortable. You invest in top-rated baby furniture and supplies to achieve just this. When it comes to your baby’s dining and activities, you surely want to get the best high chair. A wooden high chair could be just what you are looking for! If you are planning to have a Scandinavian-inspired home or already have one, it can also contribute to the beauty of your interior design! Keep reading…


A Baby’s Teeth and Teethers: Your Teething Questions Answered

As your baby grows, several body developments occur—including teething. Now, your little one may end up with a beautiful smile, but the process of teething can be uncomfortable for them. So as parents, it’s normal to be worried when your baby hits this milestone.  Do you have unanswered questions about teething and teether products? In this blog post, we’ve compiled the questions we hear the most and decided to answer them for you! #1. When Will My Little One Start to Have Teeth? The…

play mat

Create the Most Fun Environment for Tummy Time Using a Play Mat

New parents might be wondering what tummy time is. Tummy time is when babies play while laying on their stomachs. It doesn’t concern feeding your little one. Instead, it’s about developing your baby’s fine motor skills and body functions.  According to experts, tummy time begins as soon as your little one’s umbilical cord falls off and is out of the hospital. But what does your baby get from doing this activity? In this blog post, we will discover how crucial tummy time is and…