flat head syndrome

How You and Your Baby Can Avoid Flat Head Syndrome

One of our immediate instincts as parents is to watch our babies no matter their actions. It doesn’t matter if they’re crawling around the room aimlessly and babbling away—we have to see and supervise everything they do.  So you might be spooked when you first notice a flat area on your toddler’s head. Believe it or not, that is common with newborn babies, and many parents can relate. It might help quell your worries if we delve into the head deformities and how they…

can baby sleep with a pacifier

Bedtime Habits: Can a Baby Sleep with a Pacifier?

Most parents have been there. You’re tucking in your little one for bedtime to let them fall asleep. Suddenly, they wake up and start to fuss. Nothing works, even if you try every tactic in the book. All you can do right now is think of ways to help your newborn sleep soundly at night.  One viable option is to let them suck on a pacifier. However, parents have long been debating the merits of using a pacifier. Some firmly feel that using a…

Ride On: How a Baby Bicycle Can Improve Your Child’s Development

It’s normal for first-time parents to be paranoid and stressed. You can’t help it! You have tons of concerns about how your child is growing. You might even worry that your child will develop their motor skills late. Or perhaps you just want a new hobby for your little one.  Either way, now is the right moment to introduce your kid to biking. First, let’s understand how having a baby bike can improve your toddler’s health and well-being. Is Riding a Bike Good for…

baby's head pillow

9 Supplies For Your Little One’s Peaceful Sleep: Bed, Baby’s Head Pillow, And More!

You surely notice the change in your little one’s behavior when they lack sleep. They throw tantrums and are irritable when they are sleepy. Aside from these behaviors affecting their mood, your day is also disturbed hushing and pampering baby outbursts.  Turn these not-so-good days into beautiful ones by ensuring your baby gets enough peaceful sleep all the time. You can achieve this by simply investing in a head pillow for baby, the right crib, mattress, sheets, and these supplies for sleeping.  1. Baby’s…

best play mats for babies

How to Look for the Best Play Mats for Babies: A Guide for First-Time Parents

Looking for a fun way to help your baby grow and learn? You’ll be surprised how much babies can learn from playing on baby floor mats! But how can you find the perfect play mat for your baby? What factors make a baby play mat the best of its kind?  In this blog post, we’ve put together a list of important factors when choosing a baby play mat. By keeping these standards in mind, you’ll be able to quickly identify the ideal baby floor…

The Power of Having an Easy-to-Clean High Chair

If your baby is at the stage where they’re eating solid food, then you know that a high chair is a necessity. But cleaning a high chair is a difficult task, and many parents find it hard to accomplish with minimal stress. But worry no more since there are easy-to-clean high chairs. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best high chairs to keep clean and how to clean them. Advantages of Using a Baby High Chair There are many reasons to use…

Babyproof Cabinets in 3 Steps: Prevention, Drawer Locks, and Monitoring

Is your baby in their “ninja phase?” By that, we mean crawling, rolling, scooting, and simply getting their hands on everything they come across. While seeing your once helpless child move on their own is a wonderful sight, it also poses serious risks. They are especially at risk to furniture like drawers and cabinets. For that reason, you must start babyproofing your household. Don’t wait for your baby to have their little fingers pinched, fall from a climb, or break stuff from a drawer.…

baby travel essentials

7 Baby Travel Essentials for the Next Time You’re Traveling

Traveling with a new baby is tough. Of course, you want to make sure that everything goes smoothly, but there’s also the small matter of actually taking care of your baby and keeping them happy in a strange place. The good news is that there are plenty of travel essentials for babies out there, from travel car seats to carriers and strollers that make it easier than ever to get around on foot when you’re away from home. This list will help keep you…

Summer-Friendly Cloth Materials For Baby: Breezy Clothes, Socks, and Sock Shoes

The summer heat is unbearable. The season hasn’t even arrived yet, but you can somehow feel the warmth all year long. Global temperatures have been excruciatingly high these days, especially with the emergence of climate change. As a prepared parent, you think of the comfort of your little one. You imagine them perspiring endlessly during the summer days. But not when you have a well-planned baby summer wardrobe and supplies. The key to a great summer outfit is a comfortable and stylish piece. Here…

This or That: Pros and Cons of Different Baby High Chair Types

When shopping for baby gear, one of the things that should be on your list is a high chair. While there are many options in the marketplace, don’t get blinded by the big discounts or the expensive ones that promise comfort. There is a perfect high chair for your needs and budget waiting for you out there. In this blog post, we will explain the pros and cons of the different types of high seats to help you find the best high chair for…

Best Sippy Cup for Milk, Juice, Smoothie, Water, and Healthy Drinks With A Fun Twist

Once your little one is born, their primary nutrition source is breast or formula milk. They rely on liquids, and their reliance on them never stops, even when they begin taking in solids.  Hence, first-time parents like you have surely asked and searched on the internet this question, When is the right time to give water to babies? Can I give juice and smoothies to my child? Which cup should I use for them to drink comfortably? You want to know the answer so…

baby having oral hygiene check-up

3 Reasons Why You Need a Tongue Cleaner for Your Baby

There is nothing more rewarding than making a baby smile. Who can resist the adorableness of an infant’s grin? As parents, we want to see and keep that wonderful smile on our babies’ faces as much as possible. And taking care of their oral hygiene is one of the best ways to accomplish that.  Contrary to popular belief, infant dental care doesn’t start just when a baby’s first tooth emerges. You need to care for your baby’s oral cavity way before then with toothbrushes,…