sliding door child safety lock

Sliding Door Child Safety Locks And The Ways To Keep Your Baby Safe From Common Outdoor Dangers

When you think of your baby, chances are your thoughts drift from the oh-so-cute little bundle to the scary visions about all the dangers out there. The outdoors can be unsafe for your baby, and as a parent, you want to do everything in your power to keep them safe. You must have baby-proofed your home early on with a sliding door baby safety lock to keep your little one in. However, the outdoors is a different story. We have listed the most common…

baby knee high socks

Her First Winter Clothes: Clothing Layer Count and Baby Girl Knee-High Socks

Winter is the perfect time for bundling up fashionably, stirring hot chocolate, and celebrating the holidays. But, for a new parent, something else is more important than all of that combined—it’s the first winter of your little one! It’s a time when you think about what your baby should wear to keep them warm and stylish at the same time. However, some pretty clothing options might not be good enough to keep the baby safe and warm. That’s something you need to watch out…

best teethers for toddlers

7 Tips for Teething Care: Using the Best Teethers For Toddlers, Babies, and More!

A baby giggling is already heart melting as it is, but the cuteness overflows when their little teeth start peeking out. The two front teeth and the two lower ones are the first ones to grow, and your baby will undoubtedly flex them when they laugh and smile. Despite these joys, teething is not a perfectly smooth milestone and it can bring discomfort to your baby. Nevertheless, with the proper care, it can be manageable for you and your little one. Let us help…

Little baby boy sleeping on a sofa

The Secret to Restful Sleep for Your Baby: Ashtonbee’s Baby Head Support Pillow

As parents, we all know that our babies need restful sleep to grow and develop. Not only will it be beneficial for their development, but while they’re sleeping you will also get that well-deserved downtime before the next rounds of never-ending child-rearing tasks. Many first-time parents will find putting their child to sleep difficult. Sometimes they wake up after a few hours of nap and will have a hard time falling back asleep. This may be due to unwanted noise, the room temperature, or…

Getting best baby socks that stay on will give you peace of mind and your baby safety

The Best Baby Socks That Stay On for Babies Removing Their Socks

Socks have a lot of features that make your baby’s life a breeze. They regulate body temperature and give your baby a nice, comfortable sleep. They also keep their sensitive feet warm and snug in cold weather and protect your baby from mosquito bites, ground bacteria, and pointed objects lying on the ground. You may be aware of all these benefits, but your baby is not. All they know is that they do not like socks, and they want them off their feet. You…

toddler girl bike helmet - girl smiling while on a bike with pink helmet

Rules of the Road With Bicycle Safety Lessons and Cool Toddler Girl Bike Helmets

It’s a beautiful day when your little girl says, “I want to get on a bike!” looking all bright and gay. You couldn’t agree more—it’s the perfect time to get some fresh and fun rides around the neighborhood, after all. But as you pull out the bike from the basement, you realize that your toddler isn’t completely aware of road safety yet. Biking is a great activity for toddler girls and their parents, but it’s important to take precautions. Following simple road rules will…

baby changing table pad - Mother changing diaper with pad cover

Worry No More With Your Little One’s Little Accidents With a Baby Changing Table Pad

Many establishments such as malls now have baby changing tables inside their restrooms. For moms and dads alike, these changing tables are a godsend. They make tending to your child’s needs easier and safer. Before changing tables became more accessible, changing your baby’s diapers used to be harder and riskier. Unfortunately, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms can spread over its surface after frequent use without properly disinfecting it. Bacteria that can harm your little one include those found in the fecal matter, such as…

baby holding an orange spoon while eating

How to Choose the Best First Spoon for a Baby

At 6 months, as a parent, you begin to think about what the best first spoon for your baby is. By this time, babies are starting to eat solid foods like purees, mashed fruits, or vegetables. With this change in your baby’s diet we don’t blame you for asking, “What is the best first spoon for my baby?” According to experts, the best starter spoon for your baby is small, perfect for the amount of food they are allowed to eat. Moreover, it has…

Baby with two growing lower teeth

What Soothes Baby’s Gums: The Best Natural Teethers for Babies

It’s natural for babies to want to chew on things. However, they are still developing their teeth and need something hard and textured that will soothe their gums. Every parent knows that teething can be an excruciatingly painful time for their baby. So when your child is in pain, you will do anything in your power to help them as fast as possible. One natural way of easing the pain of the gums is with natural teethers that are specifically designed for babies.  …

Best Toddler Bike for Your Growing Children

Make Playtime More Fun with the Best Toddler Bike for Your Growing Children

Growing children move a lot all the time. It is impossible to keep them in one place. They always want to play and run around. Every little thing can spark the interest of your children. Giving them different toys in vibrant colors and different shapes can keep them busy. But often, toddlers get easily bored with their toys and start looking for something new to play with. If you want your child to experience the fun of playing and keep them active, as early…

Best Teethers for Infants

The Best Teethers for Infants: A Comparison

Babies are always looking for new ways to explore the world around them, which means that they will often put anything in their mouths. This is why it’s so important to have teething toys ready. There are tons of different teethers out there—some made with hard materials, and others made with soft ones. Choosing the best teething toys for babies can be a difficult task. Between all the different shapes, materials, and colors, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed. However, the best way…

Crawling Knee Pads for Babies

Keep Your Babies Safe as They Crawl: The Best Baby Knee Pads for Crawling

Parents know their little ones like to explore and crawl around the house at a rapid pace. Crawling is an essential skill that babies learn, but it can be dangerous for them as they begin exploring their world on all fours. Many parents may not think about baby knee pads or crawling pads, but these are some of the best ways to keep your little one safe while they’re getting around! Ashtonbee’s Crawling Knee Pads for Babies  Let your babies explore every corner of…